Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moving craziness

So yesterday was an absolute whirlwind. Moving people started to come around 8:30 am. The first was a person whose job was simply to box up our TV. Apparently this is for "high-value" items, but would not include: computers, bicycles, Computer monitors, etc. I was scratching my head for a while as my Korean-made TV (with a brand name from Korea, and a menu in Korean) was worth this level of boxing, while both of our road bikes that cost over $1000 were just going to be wrapped in blankets...No comprende...

On the whole though, our movers were great, they were in by 9 or 9:30, and totally done by 2 pm! Not bad for 120 "pieces" It was strange to see our apartment so empty though. We made a tactical mistake in shutting off our power. Around noon I tried to plug in my phone and got nothing. THe phone was less of an issue than a vacuum cleaner however. THANKFULLY building maintenance was understanding and we did not have to do anything (and they did not charge us for issues with the apartment!) I was ready to ask them to wire a cord down to their shop down below, but they were relaxed about it. Funny how it all works (especially after the atrocious experience had at 816 Arlington and our witch of a property manager...you live you learn, right? Or maybe you just hope for the best instead.)

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