Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The challenges with hardware and Apple

So I realize that people have a TON of issues with connecting devices, software malfunctions, etc. For example, I have almost never been able to hook up ethernet to my Mac (wifi is easy, but not ethernet, not sure why...) But I have had several calls with Apple customer support, and I have to say, they have been some of the rudest people. For example, when you don't have your install disk, you cannot install a portion of the software you meant to get, but forgot to...Or that no one can tell you on the chat service if your version is Not For Resale or just the "Academic" version. What is funny is that you lose the opportunity to build brand loyalty here. (There is a long rant about Amex and their car rental policy, which is why I refuse to use them now). It hurts you in the long-term, and yet people do not think on that level. But of course it opens up the door for places like Geek Squad. Then the service determines the hardware you buy. So the hardware companies need to be careful, since all that is keeping most people from switching is the software to enable them to easily switch (and that is much easier to build than the hardware...)

Hotels.com and Doubletree

Okay, a random question, when you book a hotel on hotels.com, and you select "Internet" i would expect that to mean "Free Internet" After all, all hotels i would expect at this point actually have internet? Well I am impressed by the way the Doubletree manages to nickel and dime its guests. Starting from paying for parking (when you own a HUGE lot), to internet charges. And they even have different tiers of internet speed. The slow one is SUPER slow, and when I called to ask about it, I found unfriendly people both in the lobby and also from their service provider. Needless to say, I went to breakfast at Denny's this morning out of principle, and I will not be staying here again...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Seals galore!

Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
So our final weekend adventure with Laura was to go to the Carpenteria bluffs and sanctuary, where there is seal mating season. It was soooo cool, take a look at the beach and the massive number of seals! It was SUPER windy on the way there, and the directions were not at all clear, so I was worried until we came across the last area. Definitely worth it...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wine tasting part 2

Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
On Saturday, with Michelle being a wonderfully understanding DD, Laura, her two friends, and myself all went up to wine country for some enjoyment of good weather, food and wine. We managed to get to three vineyards in 3 hours, and the peanut gallery only increased from the backseat. Poor Michelle had to put up with a bunch of buzzed happy people talking about everything from the king of spain to relationship challenges. But we all had a great time, and we stayed up in Los Olivos for dinner at a fantastic Greek restaurant called Petros. Definitely one to do again!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What am i doing wrong?

Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
Our landlady's dog barks at me everytime i come up the stairs. Of course when i get close enough the dog will lick my hand, but what am I doing wrong?!?! (Of course our landlady has said the dog is just crazy). Very cute and sweet at times, but also crazy ;)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wine tasting!

Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
So even if the picture does not show wine, this was my first trip up to wine country. Beautiful area, and we visited Sanford and Roblar, along with a great little lunch at the Los Olivos cafe. I went with our friends Paddy and Ellon who were in the states from Shanghai. It was great to catch up with them, and Paddy was a total photo-nut, so he and I ended up running around snapping photos at anything that a) moved, b) looked interesting, c) everything else. It was super cool to visit this area, and I have a feeling I will be back more than a few times in the next few months!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
...but good ones. We went surfing with dolphins!!! So cool, Michelle had energy to try and paddle out near them. we would get within about 20 feet. We also have a picture of a seal sticking his head out behind me in the surf. Such an amazing experience! Michelle is now hooked on surfing ;)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Writing a Market Research RFP

This is something I need to remember. (and it shows folks following the blog that i am actually working ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lesson learned the hard way

The great thing about having a de facto garden in your front yard is all of the greens you can pick and add to your meal. The bad part is not knowing what is what. Take today for example, I decided I wanted a pepper (medium-sized, it looked ripe enough). So I picked it. And took a BIG bite. Didn't realize it was a spicy one, VERY spicy in fact. I still have the hiccups because of it in fact. Lesson learned, don't trust a pepper, no matter the size...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stop spending money and fix your network

Okay, so I know how much TV campaigns cost. And as much as I appreciate the war between AT&T and Verizon over 3G, the number of issues I have had with AT&T, I just want them to fix their network. Stop spending millions of dollars telling us how strong your network is (when we know it isn't), and fix the infrastructure and software!! Okay, getting off my soapbox now...


Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
Now that is a chunk of meat! Turkey leg in fact. Did i get it just to say I did? Partially ;) Was it good? Oh yeah.

First time on a ferris wheel

Originally uploaded by gus_maclaurin
Santa Barbara had a fair last weekend, which Michelle and I went to with a couple of her co-workers. Michelle won the pictured penguin in a water shooting game (the ONLY thing we won, after spending massive amounts of money on basketball, shooting, etc). It was a great time, with a few crazy rides as well!